Edgewood Middle School
Hats and Scarves — Students create fleece hats and scarves to donate as part of a Secret Santa drive.
Deborah Figge
Rhythm and Composition — Special education students work with peer buddies and band and orchestra students to create rhythmic compositions.
Mollie McDougall, Leah Fortier, Christine Frega, Jennifer Robins
Elm Place
Larson Math
Students hone pre-algebra skills through an online math course.
Debbie Miller, Jill Copithorne, Jacki Emmerich
La Cuisine Francaise
Students studying French serve as sous chef to Chef Jean Saunders during a
cooking demonstration.
Susan Norvich
Small Group Literature Circles
Sixth grade students participate in small group literacy activities to develop skills. Andrea Brody, Gabby Smulson Australian Rules Football Students learn skills to enable them to participate in “footy,” a popular team sport in Australia.
Robert Sedik
Journey to the Past
Sixth grade students create a scrapbook /travelogue of ancient civilizations.
Jane Scheff
Student to Student en Francais
Students learn and teach each other about French language, history, and culture.
Susan Norvich
Journey into Seventh Grade
Seventh graders begin their own personal journeys to a new school year by reading books over the summer and participate in discussion groups and other activities when they return to school in the fall.
Amy Pessis, Esther Kusy-Leavitt, Mary Hancock, Cheryl Levi,
Jackie Schlosberg, Charles Smith, Cindy Baggio, Jan Foughner
Indian Trail
Study Buddies Mentor Program — High School students mentor at risk or special needs kids after school.
Ronna Nitekman, Beverly Ramirez, Monica Fonda, Sandi Trachtman
Reaching Out, Sharing Literature — Fourth graders mentor first graders in reading, writing, and math skills.
Merle Arenson, Barbara Ross
Family Poetry Night — Professional poetry performance by “A Child’s Voice” sparks poetry writing and presentation at a Family Poetry Night.
Marcy Lesser, Linda Diamond Robbins
Electricity Comes Alive — Students improve their understanding of electricity and circuitry by constructing quizboards.
Robin Teplitz, Craig Lucci, Linda Diamond Robbins, Merle Arenson
Literacy Alive (Supergrant) — Teachers and students create a collection of
DVD’s for take home by students. The teacher and student performed DVDs will be produced by HMS Media and include a theme song performed by the Highland Park High School Swing Choir.
Alison Gordon, Kari Kane, Tracy Hubbard ,Elizabeth Belkind, Merle Arenson, Connie Bergman, Aaron Lindloff, Marcy Lesser
The Hero’s Journey — Fifth grade guided reading groups explore the hero’s
journey and apply it to their own lives.
Rosalie Roth, Christine Kasallis, Bobbie Jensen
Sherwood School
Read and Listen to Books on MP3 — Students create recorded book library on iPOD Shuffles for use by emerging readers.
Erik Paulsen
Running Around with Parameters — Students study personal fitness measuring calories burned doing daily activities.
Danny Jesselson
Under the Folklore Umbrella — Dual language students study folk tales and fables from Spanish and English speaking cultures.
Darlene Neumann, Lilliam Garcia
Don Quixote Esta en la Clase — Third, fourth, and fifth grade students study the classic Don Quixote through a variety of media.
Manuel Hernandez
Northwood Middle School
Planting the Seeds for Cultural Understanding — Students will design own costumes and choreograph dances for the school’s spring Planting Day.
Kathleen Mandell, Debbie Eisen, Mari Stebner, Jennifer Ferrari, Jasmine Wad, Raji Prasad, Fern Kravets, Erin Fisher, Rosa Machabanski
Preservation Partners — Students visit three local forest preserves to participate in stewardship and educational activities.
Gina Perlman, Karen Dubofsky, Joel Goldberger, Emily Kurth, Barbra Phillips, Robin Ruken, Linda Stickler, Debbie Eisen, Vikki LoMonaco, Rachel Frank, Mari Stebner
Body Works — Seventh graders will visit the Body Works exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry.
Gina Perlman, Mary Hoyer, Kathleen Mandell, Jim Geiger
Wayne Thomas
Interdisciplinary Learning Centers — Kindergarten students begin their study of language arts through a series of reading and writing centers.
Elizabeth Lasko
Listen Up! — Second grade students participate in listening centers to improve literacy skills.
Karen Elman
Let’s Get Learning in the Literacy Cafe — Students choose from a menu of learning and literacy activities to improve skills.
Rosemary Tepper
Oak Terrace School
Read naturally – Literacy Support — This exciting and powerful program will be used as a supplement to the 4th grade Guided Reading Program at Oak Terrace school. The main objective is to increase studentÕs reading fluency. Research supports a direct correlation between reading fluency and reading comprehension. Student’s comprehension levels should increase as a result of using this program. The program will also be used as a source for differentiating the curriculum in the lower and higher grades. Molly Sutherland, Donna Einhorn, Patricia Castano, Barbara Beard, Jennifer Ikens
Health Promotion through Hygiene, Nutrition and Dental Care — Students will meet with school nurse to learn how proper hygiene, nutrition and dental habits can keep them healthy. Glo worm kits will be used to teach effective hand washing. Judy Amidei
Gifted Artists — This unique program is designed to provide a forum for academically at-risk children to display their artistic talents while developing good leadership and communication skills. Children will meet as a team to design special group art projects. A team leader is chosen for each project and is responsible for running the meetings and checking on each memberÕs progress. An evaluation session takes place at the conclusion of the project so the team can look at how they can work more effectively in the future Jamie DiCarlo, Laura McKevitt, Jennifer Preschern, Kristin Pressman
Girls on the Run – Team Support — This national program encourages enhance physical and mental health through exercise. This program is in its second year at Oak Terrace. It has made a very strong impact on the young participants. Goals of this program include teaching girls to have a strong sense of identity, cooperation within a group, as well as developing a positive body image. Participants train to complete a 5K run. Jamie DiCarlo, Molly Heffernan, Jamie Kellog, Jennifer Preschern, Molly Sutherland
Lincoln School
Art and Visual Thinking — First and second graders become accomplished art critics studying art reproductions and visiting the art museum.
Linda White
Clay Animation — First grade students produce a clay animation film with the help of fourth grade buddies.
Linda White
Literacy Builds Character — Working in large and small groups, students will participate in guided reading activities using non-fiction materials.
Darla Dieter, Victoria Loos
Ravinia School
Guided Reading — Enhanced guided reading library improves student literacy and writing.
Rebecca Purse
All About Me — Students create photographic ABC or All About Me books to share with families at Parent Night.
Sherri Bielenberg
A Creative Approach to Reading Fluency — Third grade students use “ telephone tubes” to improve reading fluency.
Alayna Weinstein
Ecovision — Students create iMOVIES to highlight issues relating to threatened biomes.
Rhonda Stern
Braeside School
Imagery and Imagination — Project the fuses the art of storytelling with the art of collage-making.
Ann Shimojima, Sheri Lucterhand
Reducing Aggression through Spatial Awareness — Activities are designed to teach special ed students spatial awareness, leading them to better communication and social interactions.
Laura Weil, Brandy Deshur, Karyn Karel
Red Oak School
Digging into the Past — Fourth grade students learn the value of artifacts by conducting an archaelogical simulation.
Andrea Feldman, Marina Palomo
Don Quixote Esta en la Clase — Third, fourth,and fifth grade students study the classic Don Quixote through a variety of media.
Rita Sacay, Marina Palomo
Different Drummers — Students perform in percussion workshops and read culturally based literature to promote cultural awareness.
Deborah Kisor, Susan Ozawa, Rita Sacay
Marina Palomo
From Superheroes to Super Readers — By using high quality graphic (comic book style) books, teachers will engage more students in reading.
Deborah Kisor